... A letter of need ...

I was looking for the 1945 materials collection overprints (Mi # 468/70) on covers when I came across the following item. Not exactly a beautiful cover with the cancel going off the edge before hitting the stamp, but the price was low so I decided to add it to my collection anyway...

However, inside the cover was a letter far more interesting than the cover itself. The letter was sent in October 1947 from a stamp dealer in Sofia to members of various US philatelic societies, offering to trade Bulgarian stamps against food, shoes and clothing. It is both a fascinating and a tragical documentation of the difficult times in Bulgaria after WW-2!!

The following is a transcript of the letter:

A. F U D U L A K I
P. O. BOX 671
Sofia, October 1947
Dear Sir and Fellow Member,

Being equally a member of your Society, I am taking this opportunity of writing to you asking if you are willing to enter into stamp exchange relations with me. To this effect, I am placing before yourself the following alternative proposals, viz.:

1) Exchange of Packets (all different used Bulgarian Stamps) also Bulgarian Stamps of recent issues in complete mint sets (as per Scott 1947) AGAINST unused, presently circulated USA stamps at face &/or complete sets of the newest AIR MAIL ISSUES of the whole WORLD, UNUSED and at face.

  50 all diff.- 9 c
100  "  "   - 20 c
200 all diff. - 50 c
300  "     "  - $ 2.50
400 all diff. - $ 7.50
500  "   "   - $ 11.00
(358/9) 100 y.post.stamp... 48 c
(360/3) Dobrudja .........  26 "
(390/2) Christo Boteff ...  18 "
(394/8) United Bulgaria ..  45 "
  1945  Loans(I & II)(8)..$ 2.00
  1945  Victory Day (2) ..  18 c
  1945  Liberation (7) ...  60 "
  1945  Air Mail (6) .....  50 "
  1945  Red Cross I (8)...  65 "
  1946  Air Mail (13) ....  90 "
  1946  Post Savings (4)..  35 "
  1946  Home Def.War (11).  46 "
(400/4) Labor & Joy ........  17 c
(411/6) Disabled ..........   17 "
(417/30) Historicals ......   58 "
(433/7) Mourn.King (A & B).   34 "
  1946  Rilo-Monastery (5).   35 "
  1946  Bulg.Republic(3) ..   16 "
  1946  Partisans (7) .....   28 "
  1946  Winter Aid (8) ....   35 "
  1946  Red Cross II(8)....   55 "
  1947  Peace (3) .........    7 "
  1947  CIPEX (Air Mail)(1).  25 "
  1947  Esperanto (1) .....    7 "
  1947  Exhibition Plovdiv(4) 14 "

2) Owing to shortage of food and wearing apparel we are being faced with a present, I am proposing the following exchange:

a) against shipment of a parcel containing: 5 lbs.pure(non sweetened) cocoa, 3 lbs.Chocolate Bars & 3 lbs. of raw Coffee(all fine qualities) I shall send you either packet material &/or Bulgarian stamps as listed above and at your own choice, having a value of $ 15, or

b) against your parcel computed of: 1 lb. Black Pepper in grains, 2 lbs. condensed Milk, 2 lbs. powdered Eggs and 5 cakes of Toilet-Soap, I'll send you Bulgarian Stamps valued at $ 6, or

c) against ONE pair of strong men's leather shoes, leather- or first class rubber-soled, sized 6 to 9, stamps valued at $ 9, or

d) against ONE pair of ladies' shoes-as under item c) - for $ 4, or

e) against 4 pairs of genuine NYLON-Stocking, stamps for $ 14, or

f) against 3.20 meters (4 yards) of All Wool cloth for men's suitings I'll send you Bulgarian Stamps values at $ 24.

3) Against new or used, but well preserved wearing apparel, as for instance Ladies' & Men's Overcoats, Dresses & Suits, Hoisery-Underwear, Shirts, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Bedlinen &tc, I would allow you a discount up to 50 % off above stamps & prices, according to prices which you will ask for the articles suppliable by yourself.

Looking forwards receipt of your early airmailed reply, and possible first trial shipment, I am, Dear Sir,

Very truly yours

A. F U D U L A K I

Zumstein & Cie - Berne
Alexandre Krauz-Tanger-2 Calle Sanlucar.
Henry Newman - Barcelona - Villaroel, 71
F.W.Kessler-New York City-500 Fifth Ave.
Stamp Import & Exp.Corp.-New York 18, N.Y.-130 W.42nd St.
Lincoln Stamp Shop-St.Albans 11,N.Y.-116-51,218th St.
        &tc.        &tc.

Let us hope that Mr. Fundulaki received positive response to his proposals....