... Estonian Forgeries ...

Mi 15-17, 27-28, 31, 53

The 7 values of the "Tallin Horizon" series were issued in the period 1920-24 (Mi #15-17, 27-28, 31, 53). As can be seen from the illustrations above these forgeries are rather well performed. It is generally not possible to use colour differences to distinguish the forgeries from the originals [1]. There are, however, a number of small details that can be used also for these issues:

  1. The shell ornament in the lower right corner has symmertical circles with clearly distinct lines all around on original issues. On forgeries the ornament is less symmetrical and the lines are always confluent towards the lower right side.
  2. The thin straight and wavy lines behind the values pass each other in fairly "clean" and sharp crosses on original issues. The crossing lines are more or less filled with colour on the forgeries.
  3. The sihouette of Tallin has a fairly even colour application on originals, but more uneven with spots on forgeries.
  4. The lines between left outer edge and the central field on original issues are rather even and gradually turns a little narrower towards the central field. The lines are more uneven and turns more narrow towards the central field on the forgeries.
*** Go to the next page to see the four different plate types of the Jaan Lubi forgeries of #15! ***

Mi #15-16

Mi #15-16

Mi #28
Mi #28

Mi #15-16

Mi #15-16

Mi #28
Mi #28

1. E. Sjoegren: "Distinguishing features of Jaan Lubi forgeries of Estonian stamps II", Eesti Filatelist #29, 1983